St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor, pray for us
23rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 13th September 2024
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-27; Ps 83:3-6, 12;
Lk 6:39-42 (Ps Wk III)
In our modern world, complacency with our mobile phones may numb our senses to stay vigilant against unnecessary websites, videos and chats. Certain media news can help us but excessive news can also distract us. How do we stay focused?
We learn from St. Paul. He has a fire within, a clear goal — “I am compelled to preach” (1 Cor 9:16). He goes into “strict training” to stay focused on what is most important—Jesus.
In Luke Chapter 6, Jesus speaks about focus and direction. A blind person cannot lead another blind person, unfortunately, they both lack direction. What is the best approach? Ask Jesus to be our guide. When we focus on Jesus, we gain the ability to live out the beatitudes (6:20ff), love enemies (6:37ff) and discern good from evil (6:43ff).
This process is not easy, it may even be painful. If we take up courage to follow Jesus, He helps us to notice the “plank” in our eye—the blind spots in life where we are still not free. Jesus also gives us grace to see clearly and focus on what is important.
St. John Chrysostom spent two years living alone, fasting and memorizing the Gospel. This process was quite painful. Later, however, John was able to preach with amazing eloquence. His homilies changed lives because they helped people experience the wisdom, warmth and mercy of Jesus.
Lord, amidst the distractions of life, help me to focus on You. Jesus, be my guide!

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