St Teresa of Kolkata, Religious, pray for us
22nd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Thurday 5th September 2024
1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 32:1-6;
Lk 5:1-11 (Ps Wk II)
The first letter to the Corinthians continues the theme on the difference between worldly wisdom and divine wisdom. Since the believers in Corinth were tempted by many forms of worldly wisdom from Greek philosophy, Paul reminds them that human wisdom creates division, jealousy and conflicts in the community. The conduct of the Corinthians shows that they have not yet understood the way of the cross. Anyone who thinks that they are superior or wiser than others are actually foolish before God.
The faith of the Corinthians can be contrasted with that of Simon Peter. When Jesus asks Simon to “put out into the deep”, though initially reluctant, Simon obeys Jesus. After all, in matters pertaining to fishing, Simon is the “wiser” one, and the request by Jesus would have seemed quite “foolish” to him. But Simon places his trust in Jesus. When he sees the marvellous catch of fish, Simon’s “eyes of faith” are opened, and he falls before Jesus. The willingness to obey, and his faith in Jesus, is what makes Simon the ‘rock’ on which the Church is ‘built’.
What about us? Can we discern between false and true wisdom? Are we like the Corinthians, who are easily influenced by worldly wisdom? Or like Simon, humbly responding to Jesus’ word in obedience and faith? It is only when we respond like Simon will we be able to truly follow Jesus and become “fishers” of men and women.
Lord, help me to seek and follow You closely, our true wisdom.

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