Lord, help me be attentive to Your voice calling me to use my gifts to serve You and for Your greater glory
21st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 26th August 2024
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 95:1-5;
Mt 23:13-22 (Ps Wk I)
Corruptio optimi pessima is a Latin phrase which means – best things, when corrupted, become the worst. Jesus alludes to such manifestation categorically – to the religious elites of His day, the Pharisees and scribes alike who are scholars and experts on Mosaic Law, temple worship, liturgical etiquette and practices. They loved the law and provided a service to the community. For them, keeping the faith was their very life. However, they failed to exemplify the laws in times of persecution. As time went on, they lost their God-given identity and mission, becoming spiritually and morally corrupt and bankrupt. They focused on a legalistic approach to interpreting the Law, favouring the letter over the spirit, making them burdensome and oppressive. Their hearts were far from God and they prevented others from having a relationship with Him ( Isaiah 29:13). Zeal for service was motivated by monetary gains and power. The conflict between their legalistic external observances and interior dispositions was what Jesus condemned.
What about us? In striving for excellence and perfection, we must be vigilant against temptation to manipulate our positions for personal gain at the expense of the weakest and most needy. Instead, we must constantly and continually seek to form a morally responsible conscience through active participation in the sacramental life of the Church, out of which the grace of compassion springs up and reflects our conduct.
Lord, may we always be attentive to Your voice calling us to use our gifts to serve You and for Your greater glory.

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