ST BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE : Saturday 24th August 2024
Rev 21:9-14; Ps 144:10-13, 17-18;
Jn 1:45-51 (Psalter Proper)
St. Bartholomew, the Apostle, is also known as Nathanael in the Gospel of John. Since he is always paired up with Philip, it is reasonably accepted by scholars that this relationship provides us a little information about him.
Nathanael was encouraged by Philip to “come and see” Jesus. The encounter made Nathanael stunned by Jesus’ complimenting him. This flattering remark – “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit!” – aroused wonder in Nathanael. This marvelous encounter with Jesus was a moment of utmost transparency. “How do you know me?” Jesus responded, “I saw you under the fig tree.”
Nathanael thought he was entirely hidden from view in his place of shelter. Jesus noticed and recognised his diligent search for the Messiah. The addressing of Jesus as Rabbi, Son of God and King of Israel, by Nathanael, demonstrates the ground-breaking expositions of Jesus’ eminent public ministry, proclaiming who He is to the factions of Jewish and Roman society. Jesus further assures Nathanael that greater revelation and insights will be accessible to him if he anchors in Jesus – the Way, Truth and Life.
Just as Nathanael was awakened in his deep encounter with Jesus, Who gave him due recognition, so too Our Lord stuns us by penetrating all our sincere longings. It evokes in us an exclamation “Lord, you are truly God!”
Lord Jesus, You see me and You know me. Illuminate my mind to see You, in my prayers and in my interactions with others today!

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