St Bernard, Abbot & Doctor, pray for us
20th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Tuesday 20th August 2024
Ez 28:1-10; Ps Deut 32:26-28, 30, 35-36
Mt 19:23-30 (Ps Wk IV)
Jesus’ teaching on the necessary characteristics of people who enter the Kingdom of God stunned His disciples. Was Jesus trying to discourage the crowd, especially His disciples? If we read it with docility and humility, we would be looking at God’s invitation into the Kingdom of Heaven through the eyes of the anawim, the poor ones. Jesus is earnest to redirect our gaze to God and appreciate the gifts we have received.
Hence, it is a call to examine our hearts and evaluate where our allegiances lie. It challenges us to be willing to let go of anything that stands between us and following Jesus completely. It also encourages us to prioritize heavenly treasures over earthly ones, knowing that our reward is found in living faithfully for God rather than accumulating pleasurable wealth while God is disposed of. The risk game of wealth is spelt out by Ezekiel 28:5 “And because of your wealth, your heart has grown proud.” God has become secondary.
Jesus’ response to Peter’s question highlights the condition that nothing can replace God, not even families. The question now is whether things I hold important in my life help me grow deeper in relationship with God? If not, am I ready to let go of these material pleasures or desires for something more promising- a life of heaven here and thereafter?
So we pray, Lord Jesus, may our desire to let go of passing things draw us closer to You and the needy.

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