St John Eudes, Priest, pray for us
20th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 19th August 2024
Ez 24:15-24; Ps Deut 32:18-21;
Mt 19:16-22 (Ps Wk IV)
God told Ezekiel that He was about to take away “the delight of his eyes” and that he, Ezekiel, was not to mourn openly. Despite his incredible sadness at the death of his wife, Ezekiel was obedient to God – he did not mourn. The people were concerned and asked Ezekiel what message God had for them. Ezekiel’s response was severe – God was going to teach the people that He was the Lord God by destroying the temple and those who had remained behind in Jerusalem would be killed by the Babylonians. Their most revered place will be desecrated, yet the people were to follow Ezekiel’s example and not mourn openly.
It is interesting that the question that the rich young man asked Jesus seems to imply that there is only one good deed necessary – “what good deed must I do…?” It seems that this young man thought that eternal life could be assured by doing the one right thing. When he declared that he had followed the commandments, Jesus challenged the rich young man with the one thing that would be very difficult for him – to give up his riches to the poor. That act was specifically for him, and he could not do it. For the young man, to depart from his riches becomes the condition that saddens him. What is the one thing that Jesus is asking you to do? Are you finding it difficult?
Lord, help me to detach from any obsession and do Your will freely.

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