
18th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 7th August 2024

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  • 18th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 7th August 2024

St Sixtus II, Pope & Companions, Martyrs, pray for us

18th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Wednesday 7th August 2024

Jer 31:1-7; Ps Jer 31:10-13
Mt 15:21-28 (Ps Wk II)

For the last two weeks, Prophet Jeremiah’s mission was twofold: ‘to uproot and demolish’ and ‘to build and plant’ (Jer. 31:28). In his first years, he had to denounce Judah for their unfaithfulness, and to warn them of impending destruction. Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 587 BC. After the fall of Jerusalem, Jeremiah’s task was ‘to build and plant.’ In today’s chapter, the Lord restores His people: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love … I will build you once more; you shall be rebuilt.’

The Psalmist fills us with words of consolation from the Book of Jeremiah. The Lord is seen as the Shepherd Who zealously guards His flock. ‘He will gather Israel’ and ‘has ransomed Jacob.’ The Shepherd continues His work of reconciliation on Israel and Judah.

Matthew’s Gospel then presents us with a Canaanite woman who asked Jesus to heal her possessed child.  She addressed Jesus as ‘Lord’ and ‘Son of David’, by these acclamations she acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah. Though Jesus rejected her request three times, her persistence impressed Him : “Woman, you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.” This encounter illustrates that Jesus extended God’s steadfast love and mercy to ‘many peoples.’ By acceding to a pagan woman in the pagan territory of Tyre and Sidon, Jesus began the work of reconciliation beyond Israel and Judah. We are recipients of Jesus’ work of peace and reconciliation.

Lord, let reconciliation and peace be in our acts; lead us, Eternal Shepherd.

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