Apostle of the Apostles, pray for us
16th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 22nd July 2024
Song 3:1-4 or 2 Cor 5:14-17
Ps 62:2-6, 8-9; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 (Psalter Proper)
In 2016, Pope Francis elevated the memorial of St Mary Magdalene to the higher level of feast so that she can be “celebrated” liturgically like the rest of the Apostles. Already, in centuries past, St Thomas Aquinas had alluded that Mary Magdalene is apostolorum apostola (apostle to the apostles). She was the one who met the Risen Christ first, and then proceeded to announce it to the Apostles who, in turn, would announce it to the whole world. After this meeting with the Risen Lord, she was told by Christ not to cling on to Him. She followed the command of Jesus to go to the brothers and tell them what he had said.
Like the lover in the Song of Songs, Mary Magdalene would seek the Lord whom her heart loved. The Lord found her first and made her realise that, at last, she had found Him. Here the relationship has to be elevated to the realm of sublime eternity. She was free to let Jesus ascend. In this manner, she is free to become the mouthpiece to proclaim the Risen Jesus to others.
Her life, her special mission and role is highlighted as an example and model to every woman in the Church. Therefore, this liturgical celebration of Mary Magdalene has the same level of a feast as that is given to all the Apostles in the General Roman Calendar.
Lord Jesus, may the devotedness of Mary Magdalene to You inspire us to trust the power of Your resurrection in insignificant persons.

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