Lord, send us the Spirit of Truth, our Advocate; that we will be led and live by the Complete Truth
Sixth Week of Easter : Tuesday, 7th May 2024
Acts 16:22-34; Ps. 137:1-3, 7-8;
Jn. 16:5-11 (Ps Wk II)
In the earthquake episode that shook the prison, perhaps, Paul, Silas and the gaoler would resonate with the Psalm for today: “You stretch out your hand and save me, O Lord”.
In the departing exhortation of Jesus, He gently prepares his obtuse disciples by posing to them “None of you have asked Me, ‘Where are You going?’”. Though Peter had asked this question earlier (John 13:36) and Thomas had asked a similar question (John 14:5), Jesus knows their concern is not for Him but more of what will happen to them when He leaves them. They are sad and worried for themselves. Jesus persists in preparing them for His departure and assures them of the coming of His Advocate, a Counsellor who will abide in them.
The Advocate comes to enlighten three related points: about sin, about righteousness and about judgement. In contrast to the sin of unbelief, the Advocate will tell the world to trust in and to cling to Jesus, hence avoiding distorted belief. Righteousness is proved in Jesus’ return to the Father. The Advocate will show the world the righteousness of Jesus in contrast to the world’s unrighteousness. The judgement depicts the deceiver of the world is already condemned by its rejection of Jesus as Light and Life of the world.
Our fervent prayer must heed the three points. Let it be:
Lord, send us the Spirit of Truth, our Advocate; that we will be led and live by the Complete Truth.

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