May the souls of all our beloved rest in the peace of Christ
ALL SOULS’ DAY : Saturday 2nd November 2024
Is 25:6-9; Ps 26:1, 4, 7-9, 13-14;
Rom 5:5-11; Mk 15:33-39, 16:1-6
or Mk 15:35-39 (Psalter Proper)
We are beings that are born as well as beings that die. Many philosophers have argued that death anxiety is universal, and that this anxiety binds and organises human existence. Even Jesus, the Son of God, was not exempted from death and its anxiety. We hear in the Gospel Jesus crying in desolation to His Father on the cross, just before He breathed His last. Would this be a good example for us of death?
In the second reading, St Paul speaks of Christ dying for sinful people. God loves us so much that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Yet His death is not the end, because He rose again on the third day.
From the first reading of Isaiah, we are consoled that the Lord prepares for us a feast of rich food, as well as wiping the tears from our eyes.
Therefore, there is a certain bond between the living and the dead through Christ. Yes, the living are on the way to death, but death is not the end, because of the resurrection of Christ. On this day, when we remember those who have gone before us and our own fear of death, let us pray for them to rest in the peace of Christ; and for us to gain consolation from the anxiety of death flowing from the reality of Jesus who died as a man for us.
Lord Jesus, You are the Lord of life and death, have mercy on me.

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