Lord, help me to be aware of Your presence with me at all times
14th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 12th July 2023
Gen. 41:55-57; 42:5-7a,17-24a;
Ps. 32:2-3,10-11,18-19;
Mt. 10:1-7 (Ps. Wk. II)
Joseph had every good reason to hate his brothers and to seek revenge. They had sold him to slavery, and here they were, standing before him, pleading for food during a famine. They did not recognise him, so he toyed with them by putting them to the test and throwing them into prison. It was only later that he realised how all that had befallen him was part of God’s plan and that it served a purpose – the survival of his family and nation. Overcome with compassion, he forgave his brothers. Sometimes we do not understand how the events of our lives fit into a pattern or plan – it is only later that we recognise the hand of God. Trust and hope will see us through.
Jesus sent the twelve only to the house of Israel and not to the Gentiles. That would come later, after the Resurrection. As the people of God, Israel was to receive the proclamation first. The twelve were to proclaim that the kingdom of God had come. That was evident in the healings, exorcisms, and acts of mercy. The world longs to hear that message again, and that is our mission – to reassure people that God is with us and for us. But we must believe that in our hearts for our proclamation to be credible.
Lord, may I be truly aware of Your presence.

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