Lord, keep me focus on You and You alone
14th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 10th July 2023
Gen. 28:10-22; Ps. 90:1-2,3-4,14-15;
Mt. 9:18-26 (Ps. Wk. II)
At Bethel, Jacob encountered God in his dream, where he saw a ladder connecting the earth and heaven, with angels ascending and descending upon it. Jacob found it awe-inspiring, it was nothing less than a house of God and the gate of heaven.
Not only through certain places do we encounter God, we can also find God in other people. The old woman with the haemorrhage and the young girl who died also encountered God in Jesus. We, who read about this event, also encounter God through these people.
The old woman desperately wanted to be healed. She said, “If I can only touch His cloak, I shall be well again.” Indeed she was healed because of her faith in Jesus. She had the courage to seek what she wanted. On the other hand, the young girl was already dead, but her father had faith in Jesus, and he was granted what he wanted: healing for his daughter and, eventually, resuscitation from the dead.
Through the person of Jesus, these people experienced God in healing and life. Reading these events and believing in them, we experience God as the source of our healing and life.
Lord God, I desire to encounter You in places where I am and in people I meet each day.

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