St Maria Goretti, virgin & martyr, pray for us
13th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 6th July 2023
Gen. 22:1-19; Ps. 114:1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9;
Mt. 9:1-8 (Ps. Wk. I )
“Take your son, your only child Isaac, whom you love, and … offer him as a burnt offering [total sacrifice, completely burnt] …” (Gen 22:2) – Isaac was the son God gave to Abraham when he was a hundred years old.
What was Abraham’s response? He rose early the following day, “saddled his ass … chopped wood for the burnt offering … took two of his servants and son Isaac … and started his journey” (v 3).
The journey took two days. What went through Abraham’s heart and mind during these two days? How did Abraham feel as he and Isaac journeyed up the mountain and he was asked, “Father, here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” (v 7).
His reply? “My son, God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering” (v 8). And at the spot shown to him where he was to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham “bound his son … put him on the altar … stretched out his hands and seized the knife to kill his son” (v 9-10). No hesitation. Total obedience.
It is said of Abraham, “by faith … when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice … Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead …” (Heb 11:17, 19).
As we review our life, what grief, sorrow and regret do we have for our lack of faith in God and obedience to Him? Who, What, is our Isaac? What can we learn from Abraham today?
Lord, help me “to give and not to count the cost … except that of knowing that I do Your will” (St Ignatius).

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