St Raymond of Penyafort, priest
Weekday of Christmas : Saturday 7th January 2023
1 Jn. 5:14-21; Ps. 149:1-6,9;
Jn. 2:1-11 (Ps. Wk. II)
A wedding is a joyous occasion. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus was a guest at a wedding. Mary was also a guest at the wedding. She learned of the wine shortage before most of the other guests and wanted to help the wedding party, indicating that Mary was a very favoured guest who probably was a good friend. A problem had arisen; the wine ran out. Wine was a common drink for all people. It would have been a real humiliation for the wedding party to have the wine run out before the celebration ended. Mary went to Jesus to seek help and wished He would help and spare the wedding party the humiliation. She tells Him that the wine is gone. Jesus replies that it is no concern of His and that this is not the time for miracles. Yet Jesus hears His mother’s plea and helps. He changes water into wine and saves the situation.
The miracles of Jesus are meant to reveal His glory and lead people to believe in and follow Him. But the miracles of Jesus also reveal His compassion. The subjects of the vast majority of His miracles are the poor, the sick, the disabled, and those marginalised by society.
But today’s miracle is different. This miracle was intended to prevent the wedding party’s humiliation. It was at the behest of Jesus’ mother that He worked this miracle. The Gospel of St. John lists this as the first miracle of Jesus. His public life here on earth begins with His mother and other friends from His growing-up years.
The Lord takes delight in His people.

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