Mother Mary, Pray for us
ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD (A) : Saturday 25th March 2023
Is. 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps. 39:7-9,10,11;
Heb. 10:4-10; Lk. 1:26-38 (Psalter proper)
The kingdom of Syria and northern Israel were planning to invade Judah. As the king of Judah, Ahaz and the people wait fearfully for the invasion to happen. But Isaiah meets the king to offer him a sign that the invasion will fail. The sign is that a child will be born, and his name will be Emmanuel, “God is with us”. Isaiah’s prophecy will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, Israel’s final and eternal king.
The story of the Annunciation of Jesus’ birth is significant because it defines the identity and mission of Jesus, where the person and ministry of Jesus are revealed. Christians reading the story will believe that God is already with them and become aware of their dignity as followers of Christ, the Saviour of the world. Also, with Christ, there is the conviction that it is not necessary for repeated animal sacrifices because Christ offers Himself as the perfect sacrifice once-and-for-all.
Ultimately, the Annunciation story describes the free and loving act of the Father, who gives His Son to the world. It tells of Jesus, who freely and lovingly gives of Himself as the sacrifice for the salvation of humanity, and of the Holy Spirit, who freely and lovingly overshadows Mary with His power so that she may bear Jesus. It also tells the story of Mary, who freely and lovingly accepts God’s call to become the Saviour’s mother. The Annunciation is also a call by God for each of us to freely and lovingly give of ourselves for the good of the world.
Lord, may I freely and lovingly serve You.

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