All Glory be to Jesus. our Messiah and King
4th Week of Advent (A) : Sunday 18th December 2022
Is. 7:10–14; Ps. 23:1-6;
Rom 1:1-7; Mt. 1:18–24 (Ps. Wk. IV)
When we contemplate the ‘Annunciation’, we often pray with Mary, but today’s Gospel reading focuses on the role of Joseph. We see in Joseph one who submitted totally to the will of God.
This spirituality of abandonment to God’s will demands the readiness to give up one’s way of looking at life situations, changing one’s mind to respond with a grace-filled decision that requires courage and deep faith.
In this instance, Joseph became an instrument of God’s plan when he decided to say “yes” to God with his whole mind and heart. To be open to God’s plans, we are called to be selfless and ready to make sacrifices so that, in the end, we can feel inner joy and freedom.
This is what Joseph experienced in the sign of the birth of the Infant Jesus – Emmanuel, as in Isaiah 7:14, the promise God gave to the world.
We recall our experiences of struggling to follow God’s way as directed by the Holy Spirit. This may involve confusion, pain, suffering and ultimate submission to the direction pointing towards God.
Mary and Joseph responded generously to the coming of “God with us.” We are also called to do likewise to Jesus as He invites us continuously to get involved in the lives of others around us, especially the poor, the marginalised and the rejected in society. This is what Paul spoke about: the grace and apostleship to share the Good News with others.
“Lord, grant us the grace to welcome You this Christmas with our whole mind and heart, which are enveloped in the unconditional Love of God.”

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