Lord, strengthen us by Your Spirit in our struggle against the evils that afflict our world
30th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 29th October 2020
Eph. 6:10-20; Ps. 143:1,2,9-10;
Lk. 13:31-35 (Ps Wk II)
The Psalmist — in the Old Testament background of Israel’s fight for survival against its enemies — blesses God for training his hands for battle and his fingers for war. In contrast, Paul in his Letter to the Ephesians turns such militaristic language into a metaphor to speak of the spiritual battle of the Christians “against the rulers of this world of darkness”, where their weapons are truth and justice, and zeal to propagate the Gospel of peace.
Writing from prison, Paul strategizes this battle against ‘the world of darkness’ which can be applied to us even today! He asks the Ephesians and us to call on God for our strength and resist evil. He tells us that we are needed in the struggle for justice. The Gospel of peace will draw fire. Do not hide from the battles that surround us. Hold up our faith and stand firm. Above all, pray always.
Looking for a symbol of perseverance, Paul found it in the Roman soldier. The armour, helmet, sword, and breastplate of the warrior are transformed. Those who follow Christ are sheathed in his presence, so we are to hold fast and not draw our strength from weapons, but rather from the piercing and saving word of God. Our battle against the evil of the world is to be accompanied by prayer in the Spirit.
Lord God, in your grace and mercy, strengthen us by Your Spirit in our struggle against the evils that afflict our world.

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