SS Laurent Imbert, bishop, Jacques Chastan, priest (Penang College General Fathers) SS Andrew Kim Tae-gon, priest
and Paul ChongHa-sang & Comps. martyrs
25th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 20th September 2021
Ezr. 1:1-6; Ps. 125:1-3,4-5,6;
Lk. 8:16-18 (Ps Wk I)
The Jews had been conquered and were in exile in Babylon. But the fall of the Babylonian empire to Cyrus, the king of Persia, gave the Jews the opportunity to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. It is amazing how that King Cyrus recognised the God of the Jews as being the Lord!
God had spoken to him, and Cyrus had listened. He sent a messenger throughout the entire kingdom advising that the Jews were free to go and their neighbours should provide them with materials to aid in rebuilding the Temple. Imagine the excitement of these Jewish refugees! God had not forgotten them.
Jesus had been interpreting the parable of the Sower for his disciples. He continued by telling them that a light needs to be visible for others. And the lives of the disciples have to be a light to others so that everything would come to light. Followers of Jesus must live in such a way that others would be drawn to the teachings of Jesus and Jesus himself. Finally, Jesus emphasised the need for careful listening, which would bring understanding and lead to obedience.
Lord, help me to listen and obey.

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