Lord, deepen my faith and help my unbelief
7th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 25th February 2020
Jm. 4:1-10; Ps. 55(54):7-8,9-11,12;
Mk. 9:30-37 (Ps Wk III)
In the first reading, Apostle James states that conflicts often arise as a result of selfish ‘desires’ and ambitions. Such desires may lead us to other vices, such as covetousness, pride, lust and many others. James also speaks of conflicts that divide, destroy and separate us from one another and with God. Thus, we turn ourselves into a battlefield of good and evil and rage within ourselves in anger so to assert one’s ambition.
The way to overcome such evil is to draw nearer to God in humility and allow God to be the greatest person in our lives.
Mark, in his Gospel, highlights a significant issue that was plaguing the Christian community of his day, namely, ambition. How ambitious were Jesus’ disciples? They argued among themselves as to who among them was the greatest? In the process, they failed to understand the meaning of their Master’s passion prediction.
Jesus called them to him and gave them a direct and straightforward answer: the “greatest” among Jesus’ followers will always be a humble servant and not a proud person. Jesus then showed them a child as a model of openness towards others and without any selfish ambitions.
As Christians, are we continually striving for things that bring more pleasure or ambition, or even having the desire to see oneself as being more important than others? Are we deepening our relationship with God?
Lord, help me draw closer to You.

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