Lord, help me to remain faithful to You in every situation
15th Week in Ordinary Time :Saturday 17th July 2021
Ex. 12:37-42; Ps. 135:1,10-15,23-24
Mt. 12:14-21 (Ps Wk III)
The passage taken from the Book of Exodus presents a scene where the people of Israel are preparing to depart from Egypt. After more than 430 years in Egypt, they were now on the verge of a momentous event in their lives. Freedom! They are free because God had heard their cry and had come to liberate them from their captivity. Even now, as they leave Egypt, God keeps watch over them. It was a liberation won not as a result of military might or by a violent uprising but by the mercy and power of God.
In the Gospel passage, we learn how the Pharisees, through their over-zealousness, had kept the ordinary people in ‘oppression by burdening them with hundreds of commandments. Now they feel threatened by Jesus, whom they think is acting as a law unto Himself. So, they decide to kill him.
In the face of the threat upon his life, he quietly continues his healing people and avoids publicity. Instead of resorting to violence against the Pharisees or by “crying out” with vengeful wrath or harsh judgements, Jesus goes about doing his ‘work’. Jesus shows us that his mission is not based on might or violence but meekness and humility. His modesty and gentleness come not from fear or weakness but from his divine mandate to fulfil the Scriptures.
Often, in our lives, we too face situations where we feel threatened or oppressed by others. How do we respond to them?
Lord, help me to remain faithful to You in every situation.

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