SS Augustine Zhao Rong, pries & Comps
14th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 9th July 2021
Gen. 46:1-7,28-30; Ps. 30:3-4,18-19,27-28,39-40;
Mt. 10:16-23 (Ps Wk II)
It is never easy for anyone to leave behind what is familiar or comfortable and venture into the unknown, especially to a far and foreign place. However, this is what God directs Jacob, also known as Israel, to do. In faith, Jacob obeys God’s call. In his old age, Jacob, with his children, grandchildren, livestock, and possessions, travels to Egypt. In all these, Jacob receives assurance from God. God, Himself, will personally accompany Jacob to Egypt and bring him home again.
In the Gospel passage, the disciples are asked by Jesus to leave behind what is familiar and safe and venture into the unknown “like sheep among wolves” Then, Jesus instructs them on what to expect, that is, they will receive the same treatment that Jesus Himself receives. Their mission will not be free from conflict or opposition. They will face hostility and danger, even from among their family members. In all these, the disciples receive assurance from Jesus. When they are opposed and judged by others, they will not be alone. The Holy Spirit will personally speak on their behalf.
Christ never promised us a ‘safe and comfortable’ Christianity. Instead, he challenges us to step out in faith into areas and places where even conflicts, opposition and danger may be present to bring God’s love, joy and mercy to others. Jesus himself did it. Now, he asks the same of us as his disciples. And he does so with assurance. We are never alone. He is with us!
Lord, help me step out in faith.

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