
11th Weekend in Ordinary Time (B) : Saturday 19th June 2021

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  • 11th Weekend in Ordinary Time (B) : Saturday 19th June 2021

Ss Philip Minh, priest & Comps. martyrs
(Martyrs of Vietnam — seminarians of College General. Penang)

11th Weekend in Ordinary Time (B) : Saturday 19th June 2021

2 Cor. 11:18,21-20; Ps. 33:2-3,4-5,6-7;
Mt. 6:19-23 (Ps Wk III)

“No one can serve two masters. You cannot be the slave of God and of money”. This saying of Jesus has entered into ordinary language as an obvious truism.

But since the Word of God should govern and guide the totality of our lives, we must learn to apply this saying to all the other possible opposite attractions of our lives besides money. You cannot be the slave of God and of anything else that comes between you and God, and that “anything” includes any ideology or stance that works to the detriment of human well-being and happiness and any “ism” that is prejudicial to human rights or human dignity.

It is not simply that God must be the priority in our lives, for it is God who gives the most profound value to whatever we may count as a priority. And where God is absent, it will be difficult or even impossible to be faithful to whatever other priority we choose.

Father in Heaven, grant us the grace to refer every aspect of our lives to Your graceful guidance and truth. Amen.

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