SS Augustine Zhao Rong, priest & Comps
14th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 9th July 2022
Is. 6:1-8; Ps. 92:1ab,1c-2,5;
Mt. 10:24-33 (Ps Wk II)
Sinfulness – Sanctification – Service: these seemed to be the progression for Isaiah in today’s reading.
In his vision, Isaiah saw – “the Lord on a high throne” (v 1) … seraphs (angels) in attendance (v 2) … a great movement and smoke in the Temple (v 4). In his vision, Isaiah heard – the voices of the seraphs saying to one another, “More holy than the holiest holiness.”
Isaiah then realised that he is “wretched … lost … a man of unclean lips… live(s) among a people of unclean lips … and that he has looked at the King, the Lord of hosts” (v 5).
Isaiah’s acknowledgement and despair of his utter sinfulness before the holiness of God opened the way for his sanctification. One of the seraphs flew to him with a live coal taken from the altar and touched his mouth with it (vv 6-7). In that instant, his sin was “taken away” and his iniquity “purged” (v 7).
Isaiah’s sanctification enabled him to hear God’s two questions: “Whom shall I send? Who will be My messenger?” (v 8). And in holy obedience, he offered himself up for Service (v 8).
How about us? Are we so disgusted with our own sinfulness as to think that God will never forgive us? Have we written ourselves off as too unholy to serve God?
Lord, grant us the spiritual wisdom to know that our sinfulness is not the last word; that Your forgiveness is greater than our sinfulness; and that Your desire is ever for us to serve You as Your messengers of the Good News.
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