St Matthew, pray for us
13th Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 1st July 2022
Am. 8:4-6,9-12; Ps. 114:1-2,3-4,5-6,8-9;
Mt. 9:9-13 (Ps Wk I)
The measure of any nation’s religious health is not liturgical or theological correctness but how the poor, the weak and the vulnerable are treated. Here we have a situation where the religious establishment is content with itself. The religious system is based on dishonesty, greed and lack of love.
Religion is used to hide behind and draw support for one’s dishonest activity. All religions are guilty of this. God makes it clear that there will be a reckoning for their injustice and dishonesty – just as there is today.
Matthew immediately followed Jesus when called. Matthew was a tax collector, which meant that he collected taxes from the Jews and paid them to the Romans. The Jews hated tax collectors because they worked for the Roman oppressors. But here was a tax collector, a sinner, who obeyed when Jesus called him. Jesus affirmed him by telling the Pharisees that the righteous have no need of Jesus, but sinners do because they recognise their need for mercy. What God requires from us is mercy and not sacrifice. Am I more concerned about making sacrifice than showing mercy?
Lord, help me to be merciful and just.
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