The greatest proclamation of the faith is holy, just, and compassionate living
3rd Week of Lent : Wednesday 23rd March 2022
Deut. 4:1,5-9; Ps. 147:12-13,15-16,19-20;
Mt. 5:17-19 (Ps Wk III)
The laws of God must never be set aside. The Israelites were urged to be zealous in their observance of God’s statutes and ordinances.
First of all, the law was given for their benefit. Careful adherence would lead to fruitful and happy lives for themselves and for the nation.
Second, the people around them would wonder at their wisdom and the ways in which God blessed them. The greatest proclamation of the faith is holy, just, and compassionate living. It is the best sermon or proclamation there is.
Jesus denied that he had come to abolish even the tiniest bit of God’s law or the Jewish tradition. Not only that, – anyone doing so and leading others astray would be least in the kingdom of God. Jesus did not set aside anything – he fulfilled the law and the prophets. The law was God’s gift to the people of God; Jesus himself has become the law for those who follow in his footsteps. Let us strive to make our lives a testament to our faith.
Lord, may I always walk in Your ways.

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