
3rd Sunday of Lent (C) : 20th March 2022

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Sudden tragedies and disasters can be timely warning...

3rd Sunday of Lent (C) : 20th March 2022

Ex. 3:1-8a,13-15; Ps. 102:1-2,3-4,6-7,
8,11; 1 Cor. 10:1-6,10-12;
Lk. 13:1-9 (Ps Wk III)

How often have we wondered why some people get killed in some great disaster like an earthquake, a typhoon, or a plane crash while others walk away without a scratch? And some bachelors live into their 90s while the young mother of young children is taken away by cancer? We cannot really give easy answers to such questions. Nor is Jesus trying to do so in today’s Gospel. But what Jesus does is deny that the deaths mentioned in the Gospel were punishment for sin. In such tragic situations, both good and evil are victims. Instead, Jesus asks people to focus on their own lives and see in these sudden tragedies timely warning for themselves.

If we were to be overtaken by a similar happening, how prepared are we to face our God? If we have been given more time, we should perhaps see ourselves like the barren fig tree, not bearing the expected fruit. Like the gardener in the parable, God gives us a little more time and more of His grace (fertiliser) to see if we will improve.

And, given the uncertainty of our future, let us begin today, let us start right now. The surest way to be ready for the future is to live totally in the present because that is where God is to be found.

Remove from our hearts all fear, Lord. Fill us with confidence in Your love and help us to love You in every happening that we experience this day

Lord, help me to change and grow.

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