God sees, God hears, God answers. Take heart!
1st Week of Lent (B) : Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Is. 55:10-11; Ps. 33:4-5,6-7,16-17,18-19;
Mt. 6:7-15 (Ps Wk I)
Psalm 34 was written by David after his deliverance from a life-threatening situation (1 Samuel 21:10-15).
Sharing his joy of deliverance by the Lord, David urges the people of God to “Glorify the Lord with me. Together let us praise His name” (v 3). As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, let us remember that our deliverance from whatever, is never a personal matter — it is always communal, because we are the ‘Body of Christ’.
In the Psalm, David was the “poor man (who) called” (v 6)… who “sought the Lord” (v 4). As a result, the Lord “heard” (v 6) and “answered” him (v 4) — and set him free “from all [his] terrors” (v 4) and “rescued him from all his distress” (v 6).
From this Psalm, let us be encouraged, that “the Lord turns His eyes to the just and His ears to their appeal” (v 15); that when “they call … the Lord hears and rescues them in all their distress” (v 17).
Globally, because of Covid-19, there are many and much losses and grief — loved ones, health, jobs, material security, self-confidence, self-dignity, self-identity, time, opportunities, etc. David consoles us and reminds us, that “the Lord is close to the broken-hearted; those whose spirit is crushed He will save” (v 18).
Let us remember David’s words — to “look towards God and be radiant”, and let our “faces not be abashed (embarrassed and ashamed)” (v 15). God sees, God hears, God answers. Take heart!
Lord, come to my help, take pity on me and hear my prayer.

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