Lord, help me rejoice in Your abiding presence
6th Sunday of Easter (C) : 22nd May 2022
Acts 15:1-2,22-29; Ps. 66:2-3,5,6, & 8;
Rev. 21:10-14,22-23; Jn. 14:23-29
(Ps Wk II)
In the Gospel passage, Jesus speaks to the disciples about his relationship with the Father which is built on love. The departure of Jesus to the Father means that Jesus and the Father will come and make a home, that is, a “dwelling place”, with the disciples who love. This dwelling of the Father and the Son flows from the Father’s love for the disciples of his Son. The “coming” and “dwelling” is directly related to the coming of the Holy Spirit who Jesus and the Father will send to them. The Holy Spirit will strengthen their faith by teaching and helping them remember all that Jesus has communicated to them. On His way to the Father, Jesus asks His disciples to be at peace and not to be troubled. This peace is a divine gift of Jesus’ abiding presence.
The first reading describes a situation in the early Church where the abiding presence of Jesus was greatly needed. A conflict arose when some Christian Judean Pharisees objected to the practice of Christians in Antioch baptising uncircumcised Gentiles. They insisted that Gentiles must be circumcised in order to be baptised. This led to an argument between the Christian Pharisees, and Paul and Barnabas. The key point of the argument is whether one can gain salvation without circumcision. As a result, the matter was up with the leaders in Jerusalem. Eventually, the decision was made by the Council held in Jerusalem that Christians should not put obstacles to Gentile conversions. This decision could only be made because of the guidance of the Holy Spirit who was present in the community.
Lord, help me rejoice in Your abiding presence.
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