Risen Lord empower us to continue your mission on earth
Tuesday within Easter Octave : 6th April 2021
Acts. 2:36-41; Ps. 32:4-5,18-19,20,22;
Jn. 20:11-18 (Psalter proper)
Meditating on the Gospel reading gives one an intimate closeness to the Risen Christ. For Mary, the new experience in the garden of the Resurrection was when Jesus called by her name ‘Mary’. She then realised that it was Jesus who was calling her, and she responded, ‘Rabbuni’. This encounter with the Risen Christ reopened to Mary the possibility of the wonderful joy of friendship with Him. She saw Him with the eyes and ears of Love, which empowered her to share the Good News of God’s unfolding creation with others.
The same experience is being lived out in the lives of all who believe in the Resurrection of Jesus. He calls each by name, draws him/her to new life, and empowers him/her to reach out to others.
Similarly, as in the first reading, when Peter spoke to the Jews on Pentecost Day, the immediate response was, “What must we do?” It was a moment of grace as they were touched to repentance and conversion.
As Easter people, let the same spirit challenge us to continue to trust and relate with Jesus with new eyes and ears of LOVE, serving others, especially the marginalised and rejected in society. Let the Risen Lord empower us to continue His mission on earth.
Lord, grant us the Holy Spirit who empowers us to share the Good News with all we meet, work and live with. Amen.
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