Ss. Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs
5th Week of Easter : Tuesday 12th May 2020
Acts 14:19-28; Ps. 145(144):10-11,12-13,
21; Jn. 14:27-31 (Ps Wk I)
Today’s gospel passage is part of a discourse by Jesus to his disciples at the Last Supper. He senses their uncertainty as they become anxious with the possibility that he is going away.
Jesus wants the fear and distress they are feeling to give way to a sense of peace that comes from Jesus himself. He is leaving them for a reason; that is, it is the only way that the world will come to know that Jesus loves the Father, and is doing his Father’s will completely.
The peace that Jesus gives is a gift to all his followers. It comes from the assurance that, although there will be times when we will face the “prince of this world”, it is Jesus who is in total control. It is this peace of Christ that keeps Paul going in his mission.
Although he is stoned and left for dead, he gets up and returns, with Barnabas, to the very town where the people wanted to kill him. From there, they travelled to other places, taught the gospel, built church communities and installed local church leaders. Their efforts show their remarkable courage and exemplify the peace of Christ they felt in preaching the gospel.
The scripture readings remind us that missionary spirit and the peace of Christ go hand in hand. To be a true disciple of Christ requires that we go against the grain to witness to him even in the face of uncertainty and danger. However, we can only do this if the peace of Christ reigns in our hearts.
Lord, give me the courage and Your peace.

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