Lord Jesus, help me to remain in You
5th Sunday of Easter (B) : Sunday 2nd May 2021
Acts 9:26-31; Ps. 21:26-27,28,30-32;
1 Jn. 3:18-24; Jn. 15:1-8 (Ps Wk I)
Today, the Gospel passage images describe the relationship between God the Father and Jesus the Son, between Jesus and the disciples and between the disciples themselves. The key idea in all these relationships is love. The source of this love is the Father, who shares it with His Son, who manifests it to his disciples and who in turn demonstrates it in their relationship with others in the community.
The vineyard is an Old Testament symbol for the people of Israel. It pictures God’s covenant love for His people as a vinedresser who tends his vineyard with loving care. In the Gospel, the Father is the vinedresser, who tends the vine and sees that the branches are cleared of anything that might prevent them from producing fruit. Jesus is the “true vine”, and the disciples are the branches. It expresses the closeness of communion shared between Jesus and the disciples.
If Jesus is the vine, he is the “whole tree”, including the branches. This image suggests that he is the source of life for those who remain in communion with him. Unless the disciple produces fruit, there is no communion with Jesus and vice versa; outside that communion with Jesus, there is no fruit.
Therefore, Christian disciples either remain in communion with Jesus and produce fruit or separate themselves from him and withers. In this case, the disciple is no disciple; he is good for nothing and “burned” (Jn 15:6). This is why we have to remain in love with Jesus.
Lord Jesus, help me remain in You.
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