Lord, help me to seek You with an open and yearning heart
3rd Week of Easter : Thursday 22nd April 2021
Acts 8:1-8; Ps. 65:1-3,4-5,6-7;
Jn. 6:35-40 (Ps Wk III)
Conversion is a mysterious thing. What draws one person to faith but not another? The Ethiopian eunuch in today’s story was far from home — official business had brought him to Jerusalem. He read Isaiah as he rode along, all the while asking questions and seeking answers. That is when Philip appeared, and the rest is history. Philip explained that the passage referred to Jesus, and the Ethiopian visitor was baptised. Those who are seekers, refusing complacency and always asking questions, are the ones most likely to be drawn to faith.
Those who are drawn to faith in Jesus have been taught by God and guided by Him. We cannot give someone else — even children — our faith. Each person must seek for himself or herself. When we stop seeking or asking, we begin to die spiritually.
Why is one person drawn to Jesus and not another? We cannot judge — we don’t know God’s plan for each person. We are all drawn in one way or another. We continue to seek God with an open and yearning heart, knowing that we will be heard. Jesus will give us eternal life now — living in God’s presence — and will raise us up on the last day.
Lord, may my heart rest in You.

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