Lord, help me remember your power continues to work in my life and around me
The Baptism of the Lord : Sunday 12th January 2020
Is. 42:1-4,6-7; Ps. 29(28):1a,2,3-4,9-10;
Acts. 10:34-38; Mt. 3:13-17 (Ps Wk III)
The book of Isaiah has four ‘Servant Songs’. They are (Is 42:1-4; Is 49:1-6; Is 50:4-7; and Is 52:13-53:12). Today’s first reading is taken from the First Servant Song, Is 42: 1-4. It speaks about the nation of Israel, which is the least of all countries in the world. It has been chosen and redeemed by God, and therefore, is at God’s service.
The ‘Servant Songs’ refer to an individual whose mission becomes more evident as the passage unfolds. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Him and will bring justice to the nations but not violently or aggressively.
He is sent out to open the eyes of the blind and liberate the oppressed.
The prophecy of Isaiah found in the ‘Servant Songs’ comes to fulfilment in the Person of Jesus. During Jesus’ baptism at the very beginning of Jesus public ministry, a voice from heaven declared before all the people that He is the Son of God.
This revelation of Jesus enables the people to see the significance of everything that Jesus will do in the course of his ministry. With Jesus, a new period under the power of God has begun, and in it, all the plans of God will be fulfilled.
The reading from the Acts of the Apostles reveals the power of God in the early Church. The power of God continues to work in our lives and around us. Let us not forget this as we go about our work and daily activities.
Lord, may we see Your power at work in our lives.

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