God will destroy ‘death’ forever and prepare a heavenly banquet for His people
ALL SOULS DAY : Monday 2nd November 2020
Is. 25:6-9; Ps. 27(26):1,4,7-9,13-14;
Rom 5:5-11; Mt 11, 25-30. (Psalter proper)
As the Church celebrates All Souls Day, we remember and pray for the souls of our departed family members and friends. It is also essential that today, we recognise and acknowledge a central truth that may have been forgotten as we celebrate this day. That is, we are only able to commemorate the faithful departed because it has been made possible by God’s love for His people. Because of God’s love, we rejoice in the hope that those who have died may have the opportunity to enjoy eternal blessedness in heaven.
It is no wonder then that the scripture readings and psalm of the day are filled with images of God’s love. Isaiah prophesises that God will destroy ‘death’ forever and prepare a heavenly banquet for His people. This has been made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. The psalmist rejoices and proclaims the love of God, who is “my light and my help”. Paul speaks about the loving God who sent Jesus, His Son, into the world to die for our sins so that humanity may be reconciled to God and salvation gained.
God’s love is most aptly seen in the person of Jesus. He invites all those who are “weary and heavy-laden” to come and rest in him. He rejects no one but waits for all with open and loving arms. As we commemorate the faithful departed, let us remember a fundamental truth that this special occasion is made possible by God’s love for His people made manifest in Jesus, His Son made flesh.
Lord, thank you for Your love.

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