3rd Sunday of Advent (A) - The JOY of the Lord
3rd Sunday of Advent : Sunday 15th December 2019
Is. 35:1-6,10; Ps. 146(145):7,8-10;
Jm. 5:7-10; Mt. 11:2-11 (Ps Wk III)

Isaiah prophesied the return of the people of Israel to Zion. In a dark time, he encouraged the people not to fear. He gave them a picture of the future when there would be great rejoicing. They were to look forward to the day when God would deliver them from Assyria and Babylon. On that day of salvation there would be everlasting joy.
James counselled the people to treat each other well and to wait patiently as Christ would be returning soon. He reminded the people of the prophets who waited patiently after they spoke in the name of the Lord.
When John was in prison, he heard stories about Jesus and wondered if Jesus was the Messiah. When John’s disciples asked if he was the Messiah, Jesus referred to his actions — how he was healing the blind, the lame, the deaf, the lepers; how he brought good news to the poor. Jesus didn’t respond with theological explanations but with practical evidence. We too are asked to decide about Jesus based on what he did, how he healed, lived and loved while he was here on earth. We are then asked to live and love just as Jesus did. How do we heal others? By listening and by walking with them. If we walk with Christ, our presence can be healing for others.
Lord, help me to be a healing presence for others.
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