I, the Lord, your God, I am holding you by the right hand; I tell you, ‘Do not be afraid, I will help you.
2nd Week of Advent : Thursday 12th December 2019
Is. 41:13-20; Ps. 145(144): 1,9,10-11,12-13;
Mt. 11:11-15 (Ps Wk II)

The book of Isaiah is divided generally into 2 parts – the Book of Judgment (chapters 1-39) and the Book of Comfort (chapters 40-48). Today’s passage is taken from the Book of Comfort where Israel is promised deliverance (from Babylon {modern day – Iraq}) and restoration (from her Babylonian Exile {586-538 B.C.}).
The passage opens with very encouraging words for God’s people – “I, the Lord, your God, I am holding you by the right hand; I tell you, ‘Do not be afraid, I will help you” (v 13). And again in the next verse, God tells God’s people, “Do not be afraid … I will help you … “ (v 14).
God reassures God’s people that though their enemies appear to be “mountains” and “hills” — God will empower them to “thresh” and “crush” them (v 15). God continues to encourage God’s people with the promises of “rivers … fountains … lake … waterspring” for those who “thirst”; for those who feel that they are living “on barren heights … valleys … wilderness … dry ground” (v 18). And not only will God provide life-giving water to them, but God will even make the “wilderness” and the “desert” that they perceived they were in – into a flourishing place with “cedar trees, acacias, myrtles, olives … juniper, plane tree and cypress” (v 19).
If ever we find ourselves in a place of fear, of worry and anxiety, of hopelessness, let us remember this passage and draw strength from it.
Lord, come to us with Your peace.
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