St Charles Borromeo, bishop
31st Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 4th November 2019
Rom. 11:29-36; Ps. 69(68):30-31,33-34,36-37;
Lk.14:12-14 (Ps Wk III)
Jesus advises his disciples on the choice of invitees to the banquet. It is not those who can reciprocate but the less fortunate (poor, outcast, marginalized, deprived) who are not able to return any reward. This is truly contrary to the norm that we practise in our society today.
So what Jesus said is to be reflected also in the light of his teaching on material possession and active concern for the poor in our midst. The love which Jesus lived and advocated is that he wanted us to have active concern for others without expecting reward. Throughout the life of Jesus, this is the constant message — to live in His love which is a reflection of God’s love for all, particularly the poor and the needy ones.
This is reiterated in the first reading wherein Paul speaks about the unfathomable and unconditional love of God that surpasses everything. So it is rightly said: who would ever know the mind of the Lord? Who could ever give him anything or lend him anything? All that exist comes from God so we only respond by glorifying and praising God always. (Rom. 11:35,36)
We are expected to act with such unconditional generosity in our relationship with others especially those who are marginalized and deprived. This relationship is based on faith and Mission and Vision of Jesus.
“Lord, help us open our eyes to see the realities of our society today and response with Your love.”