Lord, help me to set my mind on the things above
23rd Week in Ordinary Time: Wednesday 11th September 2019
Col. 3:1-11; Ps. 145(144):2-3,10-11,12-13ab;
Lk. 6:20-26 (Ps Wk III)
Jesus wants to transform and renew us. But we have to do our part, and this means changing how we think and what we value. Colossians asks us to set our minds on things above — on love, justice, peace, reconciliation, and unity — and to put to death all that is earthly in us.
Earthly things speak of fear, hatred, selfishness, revenge, strife, competition, and division. These are the attitudes and values that make our world such a dark place. We cannot change others, but we can change ourselves, and if we do that, we will play a part in changing the world.
Jesus blessed those who lacked the necessities of life or who were downtrodden. How could they be blessed? Is it good to be deprived of what we need? Not at all — he assured them that God had not forgotten them. Very soon those who enjoyed wealth and power without regard for the poor would find themselves stripped of all these things.
The world is unjust; God works for justice, and a just world is very different from what we are used to. Jesus wants us to have patience, not lose hope, and above all, work for a just and peaceful world.
Lord, help me to set my mind on the things above.