
19th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 11th August 2019

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Faith is the assurance of things unseen. Hebrew 11:1

19th Week in Ordinary Time: Sunday 11th August 2019

Wis. 18:6-9; Ps. 33(32):1,12,18-19,20,22;
Heb. 11:1-2,8-19; Lk. 12:32-48(35-40) (Ps Wk III)

Cynical folks say that faith is silly and is nothing more than unrealistic wishful thinking. Hebrews has a different view: faith is another way of knowing. It is inner conviction that something is true even though it can’t be seen or proven. Faith is not belief in a certain set of doctrines or dogmas, but radical trust in God’s loving and faithful presence and guidance. Faith becomes alive for us when we commit our entire lives to that inner assurance.

There is a saying that true patience is what we do while we wait. We can be anxious, resentful, or angry, sometimes using unhealthy distractions to sooth our agitation. The times that call for patience are when many people wander away from a spiritual path. Many of the New Testament parables warn us to be vigilant, always ready for action, and to remain focused on the Lord. We do not know what each day will bring, but when the end comes, in whatever form, it is important that we are faithful to our call.

Lord, may my faith be deep and constant.