Scripture: John 6:5-9
Jesus saw the crowds approaching and asked Philip, ‘Where can we buy some bread for these people to eat?’ He only said this to test Philip; He Himself knew exactly what He was going to do. Philip answered, ‘Two hundred denarii would only buy enough to give them a small piece each’. One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, said, ‘There is a small boy here with five barley loaves and two fish, but what is that between so many?’
The boy’s example in today’s Gospel has led to a moment of kindness. The little boy at the centre of this story must have been a good example. He offered all he had and did so with an innocence that did not consider the crowd’s vastness. The adults did the maths and knew that the offering was not sufficient. God does not see things as mathematically as we might. He saw quality, not quantity.
O, Sacred Heart, give me the innocence of the child who offered what was his to offer. This reminds me that I can make a difference even in the most difficult of situations. Allow me to draw from the example of the generations and lead me to the way of life that may, in time, be an example for others. Amen.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, open our hearts to you.
(spend some quiet time in prayer with Jesus … speak to Jesus… hear Jesus… feel His Presence with you)
Closing Prayer for each day
Lord Jesus, Your Sacred Heart is always open, with love, to each of us, especially when we are suffering. To all who come to You seeking Your help, You show Your compassion and healing power. You care for us when we are lost, sympathise with us in loneliness and comfort us in mourning; You are closest to us when we are weakest. You reach out Your hand to us when we stumble and have most need of Your help. I ask You to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask. …
If what I ask is not for my own or other’s good, grant me always what is best, that I may build Your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

Pflegegeld-Versicherung People praying the Sacred Heart Novena and Prayers with you, since 29th May 2024