Jesus as He continues to His cross
Scripture: These things occurred so that Scripture might be fulfilled, ‘None of his bones shall be broken.’ And again, another passage of Scripture says, ‘They will look on the one whom they have pierced.’ (John 19:34).
One of the soldiers, we hear, pierced the side of Jesus with his lance, penetrating to His heart, and out of His pierced side flowed blood and water. There is a tradition in the Church of thinking of this outpouring, from the Heart of Christ, as a fountain of sacramental life. We can ask, also, His mother Mary, one of the very few who remained close to the cross when most of the others had fled, to share with us what was in her heart at this moment, the sword that pierced her heart.
Desire: That I may know that Jesus, who became human for me, more intimately, love Him more intensely and follow Him more closely. That I may feel His sorrow and anguish with Him.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, open our hearts to you.
(spend some quiet time in prayer with Jesus … speak to Jesus… hear Jesus… feel His Presence with you)
Closing Prayer for each day
Lord Jesus, your Sacred Heart is always open in love to each of us, especially when we are suffering. To all who come to you seeking your help, you show your compassion and healing power.
You care for us when we are lost, sympathise with us in loneliness and comfort us in mourning; you are closest to us when we are weakest. You reach out your hand to us when we stumble and have most need of your help. I ask you to listen to my prayer during this Novena, and grant what I ask… (make your request silently)
If what I ask is not for my own or other’s good, grant me always what is best, that I may build your kingdom of love in our world. Amen.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you. Amen.

Online Versicherungen berechnen People praying the Sacred Heart Novena and Prayers with you, since 16th June 2022