4th Week of Lent
Monday, 1st April 2019
Is. 65:17-21; Ps. 30(29):2,4,5-6,11-12,13; Jn. 4:43-54 (Ps Wk IV)
In our broken, bleeding, and fearful world, many long for a new heaven and a new earth. It would be wonderful if we lived in a world of abundance, peace, prosperity, and happiness. Many would say that this wish is unrealistic and even harmful. But the people of Isaiah’s time were facing similar challenges. Isaiah gave them a beautiful vision of God’s hope and dream for them. The secret is to be captivated by that vision and dream and begin living as if it were already here. We live God’s future for humanity today. That is the witness that we can give the world.
Many people demand a sign to prove God’s promises to us. This is a sign of doubt and fear. The royal official’s faith seemed to be wavering as he requested that Jesus heal his son. Despite his disappointment at the demand for signs, Jesus healed the man’s son. When we truly love and when our faith in God is secure, we have no need of signs or proof. Let us ask God for what we need, confident that God will answer our prayers in his time and in his way.
Lord, help me to live in hope and faith.