Daily Word Of God
Luke 4:38-42a
Leaving the synagogue Jesus went to Simon’s house. Now Simon’s mother in law was in the grip of a high fever and they asked him to do something for her. Standing over her he rebuked the fever and it left her. And she immediately got up and began to serve them.
At sunset all those who had friends suffering from diseases of one kind or another brought them to him, and laying his hands on each he cured them. Devils too came out of many people, shouting, ‘You are the Son of God.’ But he warned them and would not allow them to speak because they knew that he was the Christ. When daylight came he left the house and made his way to a lonely place.

Today's Pointers on God's Word
As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?
- God is the almighty healer of all diseases and pains in life because He is the Son of God.
- However, God will not heal us and relieve us of our pains unless we ourselves, in humility, accept that we are in need of His healing graces and want Him to do so for us.
- What happened to you when you were ill and in pain? Did you go to God, in humility with your needs and entrust everything to His providence after you have seen the doctor? Or did you get angry with God and blame Him for all your woes in life?