27th Week in Ordinary Time (B)
Friday, 12th October 2018
Gal. 3:7-14; Ps. 111(110):1-2,3-4,5-6; Lk. 11:15-26 (Ps Wk III)
Psalm 111 is a prayer of a person filled with gratitude to God. He begins the prayer saying, “I will thank the Lord with all my heart.” He acknowledges that “the works of the Lord” are “great” (v 2). So great that they are to be “pondered by all who love them.”
When was the last time, you pondered on the “works of the Lord?” To Israel, it could be the crossing of the Red Sea — their escape from slavery to freedom; or the Promised Land that God enabled them to possess (v 6). What are the “works of the Lord” in your life? Can you remember them? How would pondering on the “works of the Lord” help you in your journey with God? Would it give you a heart overflowing with gratitude? St Mary Euphrasia Pelletier (foundress of the Congregation of our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd) said, “Gratitude is the memory of the heart.”
If we have a hard time pondering on the “works of the Lord”, the Psalmist encourages us by saying, “He makes us remember His wonders” (v 4). It looks like divine help is available, even when we do not remember!
So, why is God so good to us? It is because “the Lord is compassion and love” (v 4) and “God keeps His covenant ever in mind” (v 5). As our Creator and Redeemer, God will be just to us; God will provide for us; and God will let us see His “majestic and glorious” (v 3) works, in the world around us and in our own lives.
Lord, help me to listen to Your voice and follow You.