
Easter Week 4: Wednesday, 15th May 2019

Daily Word Of God

John 12:44-50

Jesus declared publicly: ‘Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in the one who sent me, and whoever sees me, sees the one who sent me. I have come into the world as light, to prevent anyone who believes in me from staying in the dark any more. If anyone hears my words and does not keep them faithfully, it is not I who shall judge such a person, since I have come not to judge the world, but to save the world: anyone who rejects me and refuses my words has his judge already: the word itself that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day.

‘For I have not spoken of my own accord; but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and what to speak, and I know that his commands mean eternal life. And therefore what the Father has told me is what I speak.’

Today's Pointers on God's Word

As you read the passage what words, phases or meanings caught your attention?

  • Jesus came into this world as the “Light” to redeem us from the “darkness” of the sins of this secular world.


  • Jesus does this out of His deep love for us. Yet, many of us still seem to see Him as a harsh judge and thus, find it difficult to accept Him wholeheartedly as our Redeemer.


  • If only we could open our hearts to sense how much He is a God of Love, then we would find it easier to develop our relationship with Him and unite all that we do and how we live, with Him.