
4th Week of Easter: Friday, 17th May 2019

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4th Week of Easter: Friday

4th Week of Easter: Friday, 17th May 2019

Acts 13:26-33; Ps. 2:6-7,8-9,10-11; John 14:1-6 (Ps Wk IV)

Have you ever lived through an experience that was both bitter and sweet? Today we hear Jesus talking to the disciples at the Last Supper. He is going away; he is about to be killed. At the same time, Jesus says he will prepare a place for them in heaven; there they can be together forever. John Chapter 14 is bittersweet.

We hear something more — Jesus is the Way to the Father’s house. It is by believing in Jesus and living out what he has taught us that we reach heaven. The key to this is love.

In my daily life, in what way do I love God? In what way do I love my neighbour as Jesus has loved me? Do I have the courage to lay down my life in service of others?

These questions are very difficult. They involve sacrifice. We may love but others may not love us back. This path is risky.

Yet, on this Way of love, Jesus is here with us. We can tell him about our fears. We can ask for wisdom and courage to love. Jesus knows this path is bittersweet. It is also the Way that leads to heaven.

Lord, guide me to your Father’s house. Help me to share Your love in some way with someone today.