3rd Week of Easter: Wednesday
3rd Week of Easter: Wednesday, 8th May 2019
Acts 8:1-8; Ps. 66(65):1-3,4-5,6-7; John. 6:35-40 (Ps Wk III)
Christian writers often speak about the transcendence of the human person, about how we reach beyond ourselves all the time: asking new questions, seeking further discoveries, continuing in hope and trust. The way young children ask question after question is an endearing — and exasperating! — reminder that we are created to ‘reach for the beyond’. Occasionally we might be tempted to silence a child’s endless inquiries and longings, but mostly we do our best not to.
The wider world often acts differently. Building on our infinite outreach, it offers us false satisfactions that deaden our true desires. And so we get ‘hooked’ — on riches, power, prestige, perks, sexual adventures, mood-altering substances — and we lose that ‘reach for the beyond’ that is the true mark of our humanity. Today’s Gospel offers a restoring medicine. It is faith in Jesus, who is the true answer to all hunger and thirst.
The bread of life (Jn. 6:35) does not kill the hungers of our hearts, but feeds them. The living water (Jn. 4:14) does not drown out thirsts, but quenches them. We are made for the food and drink of eternal life; let us not be satisfied with anything less.
Lord, help us to hunger and thirst for You alone.