
Thursday of Easter Week, 25th April 2019

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Thursday of Easter Week

Thursday of Easter Week, 25th April 2019

Acts 3:11-16; Ps. 9(8):2,5,6-7,8-9; Luke 24:35-48

The people had just witnessed the healing of a lame man. Peter was determined that all would know that the man’s healing came from God and not from him and John. He reminded the people that Jesus had been sent by God, yet he was rejected. The people had chosen to have Jesus crucified and a murderer set free.  Peter explained that it was faith in this same Jesus that had healed the lame man. Peter reminded the people that God had sent Jesus first to them, the descendants of Abraham and of the prophets. Peter encouraged the people to repent, change their minds about Jesus and believe that he came from God and was with God.

Two disciples had seen Jesus when they were walking to Emmaus and they had returned to Jerusalem to share their excitement with the others. Suddenly Jesus appeared in the midst of the group. They were frightened because they thought they were seeing a ghost. To prove he was not a ghost, Jesus invited them to touch him. He then asked for something to eat and ate some fish in front of them. It was important for Jesus to prove that he had risen from the dead and that he had a physical body, although different from before. Jesus promised the company of disciples that they would be filled with power from on high just as his Father had promised. It was a call to watch and wait.

Lord, help me to have faith that You are always with me.