
Third Week of Lent: Friday 17th March, 2023

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  • Third Week of Lent: Friday 17th March, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Greatest Commandment”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed to the scribes that “the first and greatest Commandment is to love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. . .”  Ponder on, “Loving God is the most important Commandment because, when we love God deeply, we will know how to love others wholesomely.”

Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Mark 12:28b-34

One of the scribes put a question to Jesus, ‘Which is the first of all the commandments?’ Jesus replied, ‘This is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one, only Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.’

The scribe said to him, ‘Well spoken, Master; what you have said is true, that he is one and there is no other. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any burnt offering or sacrifice.’

Jesus, seeing how wisely he had spoken, said, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’ And after that no one dared to question him anymore.