Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:12-17 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you. No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall no longer call you servants,…
5th Week of Easter: Friday5th Week of Easter: Friday, 24th May 2019Acts 15:22-31; Ps. 57(56):8-9,10-12; John. 15:12-17 (Ps Wk I) Jesus, speaking to his disciples at the Last Supper, talks about the centrality of love among his followers. He expresses it in a central commandment: perhaps surprisingly to some, this commandment is not to love…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Your Joy be Complete”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to His disciples that, “If you keep My Commandments, you will remain in My Love, . . . and your joy be complete.” The fullest, deepest, and most lasting joy in our hearts and home are when…
5th Week of Easter: Thursday5th Week of Easter: Thursday, 23rd May 2019Acts 15:7-21; Ps. 96(95):1-3,10; John. 15:9-11 (Ps Wk I) The early Church was facing its first major crisis. In the early days, it was mainly Jews who were followers of Jesus but as the Good News spread, many Gentiles began following The Way. Some…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:9-11 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have loved you just as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:1-5, 7-8 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more. You are clean already, by means of…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “God – the Vinedresser”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims, “I am the True Vine and My Father is the Vinedresser. . . every plant that bears no fruit He cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit, He prunes to make it bear even more.” …
5th Week of Easter: Wednesday5th Week of Easter: Wednesday, 22nd May 2019Acts 15:1-6; Ps. 122(121):1-2,3-4,4-5; John. 15:1-8 (Ps Wk I) “I am the Vine, you are the branches.” This image of the vine conveys the deep intimacy of communion between Jesus and us! In the same way, Jesus asked His disciples and us to “remain…
5th Week of Easter: Tuesday5th Week of Easter: Tuesday, 21st May 2019Acts 14:19-28; Ps. 145(144):10-11,12-13,21; John. 14:27-31 (Ps Wk I) What a fickle crowd! The people who had worshipped Paul earlier, at the instigation of some Jews, began to throw stones at him and dragged him out of town. Later, Paul and Barnabas demonstrate remarkable…
Daily Word Of GodJohn 14:27-31a Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me say: I am going away and shall return. If…